亮景教育(L&J Education)2010年成立于北京,是一家覆盖全国范围的大型教育服务类机构,在广州、山东、贵州、四川、江西及英国拥有多家分公司、全资或合资子公司。自成立至今,我们致力于发展国际本科及硕士教育项目,创办了 “学历+技能+素质+就业+职业实习培训”模式为基础“1+N”、“2+1”、“3+1+1”中外合作办学及留学预科项目,获得了国内外众多合作院校的一致肯定。




国家教委在《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020)》中提出了“百年大计,教育为本”的方针,其中的《第十六章 扩大教育开放》特别提到“加强国际交流与合作,开展多层次、宽领域的教育交流与合作,提高我国教育国际化水平。借鉴先进的国际化教育理念和教育经验,促进我国教育改革发展。培养大批具有国际视野、通晓国际规则、能够参与国际事务和国际竞争的国际化人才。”


近年来我们将学历教育与技能教育相结合,为促进国内教育体系与国际化教育接轨接洽了优质的国外教育资源,与众多境外知名院校、教育和科研机构建立了战略伙伴关系,并先后与中国人民大学、北京师范大学、北京邮电大学、天津大学、北京第二外国语学院、首都师范大学、广东财经大学、贵州财经大学、新希望教育集团等五十余所国内高校及教育机构合作,通过成功创办、合办、协办了起到的示范性作用的中外合作办学项目,为加强国内外院校间开展多种形式的国际交流与合作,为“培养出具有国际视野、通晓国际规则、能够参与国际事务和国际竞争的国际化人才” 做出了诸多贡献,取得了优异的成绩。






About L&J Education


L&J Education is a growing Chinese company which dedicates itself in international education business and enhancing Chinese students’ opportunities to benefit from all levels of international education both in China and overseas. The headquarters of the company locates in Beijing.  With a focused effort to extend its business and presence throughout China, the Company has branches in Guizhou, Shandong, Sichuan, Jiangxi Province and UK at present. The business of L&J Education can be generally summarized to three major segments as followings.


Brilliant Consulting Services


L&J Education Provides customised consulting services for both individual Chinese students and group of them who wish to enhance their lives and careers by immersing themselves into advanced international educations to help them to select the most appropriate destinations and make sure their arrival and stays abroad successful.


At present, the Company work closely, as official representatives or established agents, with a number of internationally-recognised higher educational institutions located in Europe, North America and Oceania. The major UK and European universities have established formal collaborations with L&J Education include: Northumbria University and its London Campus, University of Huddersfield, Sheffield Hallam University, University of Northampton, etc. Furthermore, L&J closely cooperates with the SQA HND (renamed as SQA AD since January of 2019) centres in China and several universities which have the Sino-foreign joint programme. The company has become the exclusive agent of several HND centres and Sino-foreign joint programme schools, and mainly provides the international educations and related services to students. Taking the UK, one of the destination countries, as example, L&J Education has successfully sent more than thousand students to study in different levels of courses and qualifications in over 40 universities this year. 


Professional Teaching & Training Programme


L&J Education provides sophisticated and professional preparatory training courses to those students who are ready to extend their educations in foreign academic institutions. L&J Education became the Professional Partner of Pearson Group since 2010. Under the close collaborations with Pearson, the Company provides various training programmes, include both short-term and long-term ones, to, on one hand, enhance students’ English abilities in surviving and studying for academic programmes in an English-speaking country and on the other to prepare them to achieve satisfied results in prevalent English proficiency test, such as Pearson Test of English and IELTS, etc.

Under the strategic collaborations with Chinese Universities and overseas institutions, establishing and operating cooperative programmes, including undergraduate foundation programmes, “2+2”  “3+1” and “1+1” undergraduate degree programmes and Pre-master programmes etc. So far, L&J has participated in establishment and operation of many overseas oriented cooperation educational programmes with several higher educational institutions in Beijing, Guizhou, Sichuan, Guangdong, Shandong, and Jiangxi. The annual total enrolment of new students in these educational programmes is more than thousand. UK universities are the main destination schools of those Chinese educational institutions. It is worth mentioning that the foundation programmes, undergraduate & postgraduate programmes, and Pre-master programmes which independently developed by the elite team of L&J have accredited by several UK and European Universities. The students who finished these programmes have been successfully go aboard to continue the study in over sea universities.


Worldwide Operations


We are a Chinese company, whose headquarters locates in Beijing, have serial branches and mainly deal with international education business helping more Chinese students to have opportunities to study abroad while pushing the spread of English Language and western cultures in China. We are the representatives and partners of several European, North-American and Oceania universities in China at present and provide wide-range of consulting services to help considerable number of Chinese students to study in to pursue their undergraduate or postgraduate degrees every year. Currently we have formal cooperation with UK universities include University of Huddersfield, Sheffield Hallam University, University of Northampton, etc. as well as Hungarian universities and colleges such as Budapest International Business School.


We have official cooperation with Higher National Diploma (HND, which renamed as AD since January 2019) programmes in China operated by Chinese Service Centre for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE) of Ministry of Education in China in collaboration with Scottish Qualification Authority. The total number of students enrolled in these HND programmes amounts to 20,000. We have close relationship with 31 HND centres in China as well as UK universities under HND cooperation programme. We also have formal cooperation with several Chinese universities helping foreign universities to cooperate with them launching new programme such as 3+1 programme (3 years study in China+1 year study in the target country) and the pre-master programme, as well as maintain current programmes.


Helping more Chinese students to have opportunities to study abroad while pushing the spread of English Language is the another core business we are doing. We became the Pearson Professional Partner since 2010 and also provide various training programme include one week training and long-term training for those candidates who will attend PTE test.